Do you currently own a home but aren’t too pleased with the terms and conditions of your existing mortgage? Want a way to get cash out of your home, lower your payment or interest rates, or shorten your remaining loan term? You should consider refinancing your home with us to help you achieve your financial goals. Refinancing is not very complicated (Maggie and the team here at Greenfront make this process seamless), but there are a few key things you need to keep in mind if you’re thinking about restructuring your financial situation.
First, let’s define what
refinancing really means. Refinancing your home means that you work with a lender like us to restructure the terms and conditions of your existing home loan. Since your home is an investment, refinancing is a method by which you can leverage that investment into a more suitable financial scenario for you and your family moving forward.
Refinancing in California, Colorado, or Nevada can be an effective option for homeowners to:
To qualify for refinancing on your home, we recommend applicants have some critical information on-hand for our expert loan officers to take a look at. If you’re interested in refinancing,
prepare to know (or go find) the following critical information:
Overall, refinancing your home can set you on a path to a more financially sound future. While refinancing your home isn’t overly complicated, Maggie will make sure to guide you every step of the way. We’re here to help with all of your questions, so
contact us today to get the process started on refinancing your home.
We are committed to helping you reach your goals.
We are committed to helping you reach your goals.
Maggie Levin 120 McFaul Way Zephyr Cove, NV 89448
NMLS #1762959
Maggie Levin | All Rights Reserved.